Durham Report Finds Criminal Activity By Democrats And FBI

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Durham Report Finds Criminal Activity By Democrats And FBI. The full Durham Report and more News available in the Extended Report.


Durham Report by CBS News Politics

Extended Report;

From Pete Santilli;


From The American Journal;

FBI-Destroying Durham Report Leaves Liberals Coping And Seething Like Never Before

From New American TV;

Four years and millions of dollars later, the long-awaited Durham Report on the FBI’s investigation into the Trump-Russia collusion hoax is finally released. The report confirms the tragic reality of a conspiratorial collaboration between FBI officials and the Hillary Clinton campaign designed to destroy Trump. Also, while the Biden administration intends to shackle fossil-fueled power plants with crippling new restrictions on their carbon dioxide emissions, farmers across the Corn Belt are waking up and pushing back; and Joe Biden labels white supremacy the country’s greatest domestic threat, despite all available crime data indicating no such thing.   In the second half of the show, host Paul Dragu and TNA magazine contributor Selwyn Duke discuss the insane reparations movement gaining momentum, and The John Birch Society’s Lisa von Geldern discusses the JBS’s upcoming Leadership Conference.  

Donald Trump Exonerated, FBI Devastated — Again

From Bowne Report;

“Hey Congress. I’ll give you 5 damn good reasons why the 46th President Joe Biden should be impeached. And I’ll make it easy. I won’t even bring up the fraudulent elections. Number One, TREASON. the allegations that are closing in surrounding the Biden Crime Family global treason. Number Two, MENTAL FITNESS and the 25th Amendment. Joe Biden does NOT have the mental fitness to be President and even he knows it. Number three, ECONOMIC SABOTAGE. Joe BIden has single handedly driven the nation to the brink of a collapse after shutting down our resources, depleting our oil reserves and bleeding our military dry. All in the name of a foreign globalist Agenda. Number Four, HEINOUS FELONIES. Their may be compromising evidence that Joe Biden is a hardcore pedophile behind closed doors while overseeing a global sex trafficking operation. And Five, NATIONAL SECURITY BREACH aside from allowing the Chinese to gather key information on our military installations via spy balloons. And putting us on the edge of nuclear devastation. Our borders have been invaded by who knows what, who knows where, and who knows how many. Slowly collapsing our interior. Of course, Joe Biden is merely the current visage of a cabal caught with their pants down by the Durham Investigation. A treasonous bureaucratic media monstrosity that knowingly lied to the American people yet faces no repercussions. Impeachment of Joe BIden is the first step towards those repercussions.”Hey Congress. I’ll give you 5 damn good reasons why the 46th President Joe Biden should be impeached. And I’ll make it easy. I won’t even bring up the fraudulent elections. Number One, TREASON. the allegations that are closing in surrounding the Biden Crime Family global treason. Number Two, MENTAL FITNESS and the 25th Amendment. Joe Biden does NOT have the mental fitness to be President and even he knows it. Number three, ECONOMIC SABOTAGE. Joe BIden has single handedly driven the nation to the brink of a collapse after shutting down our resources, depleting our oil reserves and bleeding our military dry. All in the name of a foreign globalist Agenda. Number Four, HEINOUS FELONIES. Their may be compromising evidence that Joe Biden is a hardcore pedophile behind closed doors while overseeing a global sex trafficking operation. And Five, NATIONAL SECURITY BREACH aside from allowing the Chinese to gather key information on our military installations via spy balloons. And putting us on the edge of nuclear devastation. Our borders have been invaded by who knows what, who knows where, and who knows how many. Slowly collapsing our interior. Of course, Joe Biden is merely the current visage of a cabal caught with their pants down by the Durham Investigation. A treasonous bureaucratic media monstrosity that knowingly lied to the American people yet faces no repercussions. Impeachment of Joe BIden is the first step towards those repercussions.

Immediately, the thought of Impeachment brings up the nightmare of a Kamala Harris Presidency. But isn’t that the very reason she is there? Impeach Joe BIden now or suffer the consequences before more damage is done.”

The Time To Impeach Has Come

From The Liberty Report;

The Durham Report dropped yesterday and it’s worse than we imagined. The FBI, together with the CIA and the Hillary Clinton campaign, colluded to undermine US elections and destroy the Trump presidency. What will be the next step?

The Durham Report And The FBI Coup Against America

From American Center for Law and Justice:

After four years – and over 300 pages – Special Counsel John Durham, who was appointed to look into the impetus behind the Deep State FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into bogus claims of Russian collusion to influence the 2016 presidential election, has released his findings to the public.
Just as we’ve been saying all along, the Durham Report confirms there was no evidence to justify the Department of Justice and FBI’s investigation in the first place. The basis for Crossfire Hurricane wasn’t even in compliance with the DOJ’s rules and regulations for starting an investigation. This was all just another witch hunt to try to take down former President Donald Trump.
The FBI went all in based on specious information, and now they’ve been exposed. We now know there was corruption at every level. But the question is, will anyone be held accountable? At this point, that’s a rhetorical question – we already know the answer is no. And what makes that especially concerning is the fact that we’re about a year and a half from a critical presidential election. If we don’t think there are Deep State operatives working on a scheme to influence the election results in 2024, we’re kidding ourselves. Especially if they see that nobody was really held accountable the last time.
There’s been no evidence that the DOJ has taken any action to remove the Deep State tentacles wound deeply throughout the FBI.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of the newly released Durham Report and the deeper issues that it reveals about our Justice Department. We’re also joined by Senior Military and Political Analyst for the Sekulow broadcast team and former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who has personal experience with combating false allegations from the radical Left.

Durham Report Shatters America’s Trust in FBI

From The X22 Report;

The Durham report came out and it is devastating for the [DS], the Russia is a conspiracy made up by the [DS], Trump is exonerated. The people now see how the FBI,CIA,Corrupt Politicians and the fake news staged a coup. The people now understand that the system is to corrupt and justice cannot come from the DOJ or the FBI. These departments will need to be cleaned out. The CIA will be dismantled for the closing act. Nothing can stop what is coming nothing.

All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.

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Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks

Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks

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Ep. 3070b – [DS] Staged A Coup, Treason, FBI/DOJ Cleaning,The 40,000ft View Reveals The Path

And finally GOD has the last word as his Modern Prophets Speak!




Ecclesiastes 3:17
17 I said to myself, “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.”

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