Biden Campaign Staffers Protest US Support for Israel’s Gaza Onslaught

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A group of 17 staffers for President Biden’s 2024 re-election have signed onto an anonymous letter protesting the president’s support for the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.

“Complicity in the death of over 20,000 Palestinians, 8,200 of whom are children, simply cannot be justified,” the letter reads.

The staffers said President Biden was losing support due to his full-throated for the Israeli campaign, noting that 72% of voters under 30 disapprove of his handling of the conflict. Recent polling has shown that the majority of Americans favor a ceasefire in Gaza, an idea the president opposes.

“Biden for President staff have seen volunteers quit in droves, and people who have voted blue for decades feel uncertain about doing so for the first time ever, because of this conflict,” the letter reads.

The staffers called for President Biden to use leverage to push for a ceasefire in Gaza, advocate for de-escalation in the region, end unconditional military aid to Israel, and work toward ending the Israeli occupation and other root causes of the conflict.

The letter is the latest dissent from within the Democratic Party against the Biden administration’s support for Israel. A coalition of over 500 former staffers for President Biden’s 2020 campaign and Democratic Party staff signed a similar letter in November.

There has also been internal dissent within the administration itself as hundreds of officials have signed letters protesting the war, and several have resigned. The latest to leave was Tariq Habash, who was a special assistant in the Education Department’s Office of Planning.

Reprinted with permission from,

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