­Argentina Presidential Candidate Javier Milei Is Not the Great Libertarian Hope

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The United States Libertarian Party posted today at Twitter a celebratory post regarding Javier Milei who is one of the two candidates for the presidency of Argentina in a runoff election taking place today. First, the tweet referred to Milei as the “most successful Libertarian political candidate of this generation” who “has a chance to shock the world today.” Then, it wished him “Good luck” and expressed the desire that he “Set an example for what could be in America.”

Hmm. Is this heavy praise merited?

Back in August, during a Twitter Spaces discussing regarding the Argentinian politician, Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams examined some of Milei’s political views and presented warning signs.

Early in his critique, McAdams said the following regarding Milei’s foreign policy views:

I will say because I’ve seen several headlines saying ‘Is Milei the new Ron Paul? Is this the Ron Paul revolution?’ the answer is a categoric ‘no.’ The positions that he takes are categorically opposed to Ron Paul’s positions, particularly when you look at his foreign policy, which interestingly enough tracks identically with the foreign policy of the US foreign policy blob, the regime that runs Washington whether you elect Democrats or Republicans.

He’s absolutely on message when it comes to Ukraine and Russia. He’s absolutely on message when it comes to China. He calls China assassins. He says I would never promote relations with Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Nicaragua, or China. And et cetera, et cetera. So, certainly when it comes to these areas he’s no Ron Paul. Ron Paul would never say this.

You can listen to McAdams throw some cold water on the idea that Milei is the great libertarian hope starting at 36:39 on the time marker for the Twitter Spaces discussion here.

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